F1GP-Ed Documentation

Amiga Formula One

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F1GP-Ed is SHAREWARE.  It is NOT Public Domain.  However, it may be freely
distributed legally providing:

   (1) None of the distributed files are changed in any way
   (2) F1GP-Ed is not sold for profit and it is not included on any disks
       that are sold solely for profit (includes magazine coverdisks)
   (3) No more than £2 (inclusive) may be charged for a copy of F1GP-Ed
       by PD libraries
   (4) F1GP-Ed is registered if it is found to be useful
   (5) Registered user keyfiles are NOT distributed with copies of F1GP-Ed

If F1GP-Ed is to be sold for profit, permission must be obtained from me,
the author (Oliver Roberts).

Permission is granted to distribute this version of F1GP-Ed on Aminet CDs
and magazine coverdisk CD-ROMs.

The "F1GP-Ed.key" file is for registered users only and MUST NOT be
distributed.  F1GP-Ed MUST be distributed with ALL the original files, and
no files may be omitted in any redistribution!

Converted on 07 Jun 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.